In the Ninth World, humans and other creatures live in a roughly medieval state, surrounded by relics of the previous eight eras called Numenera which function in ways beyond human understanding. Torment: Tides of Numenera is set in the incredibly interesting Numenera setting, a setting that allowed inXile to go wild with their creativity, creating a world that's vibrant, alive and rich with a history spanning thousands of years.Įncased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Review – The Post-Dome Dream The team, however, exceeded expectations, creating a game that's more than worthy to be mentioned alongside the cult classic, offering a role-playing game experience that's markedly different from most of the RPGs on the market. For this reason, inXile Entertainment's job in giving a worthy spiritual sequel to Planescape: Torment with Torment: Tides of Numenera was no easy one. Thanks to its outstanding writing, story and unique approach to role-playing game mechanics, the game developed by Black Isle Studios is rightly considered a cult classic, and a game that still has a lot to say even after almost 20 years since release. Planescape: Torment may not have been a commercial success like other CRPGs released in the 90s, but its influence on the genre as a whole is unprecedented.